Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Jufang - a sister dedicated to leading others has once again gathered a group who desire to grow and lead. They want so much to know more of God's grace.  Thank you Jufang for your servant's heart!

Here are most of the group of sisters from China and the states of  N. & S. Carolina, Oregon and Colorado - God certainly makes creative connections!
 Lynne and Hope are pictured here: I could say, "Lynne gives hope" because as Lynne spoke and Hope translated the ladies were touched and healing was beginning.  My talk on forgiveness followed and so many had questions afterward that Jufang had difficulty gathering the women to continue the program.

Maye and Faye receive gifts from little hands!

Cindy and her little man.  Both in March and today, Cindy shared her heart to be a better mom and to ask God to replace her anger with His grace. Largely because of Lynne's open sharing of her abuse and later her own anger and healing, the women felt free to also share.

Jufang with Faye and Maye!

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