Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday 3.20.10

My greatest fear is that I will forget any of the events of this trip! Each day I think, “this day has been filled with divine appointments and I am in awe of them!”. I am sure each day was the highlight of the trip…until the next day! I will be including a few entries from my team soon as well because we all just keep saying, “WOW”!

Our VP of international operations, Don Young has been moonlighting as a comic! :) He does an imitation of the Chinese on the phone that is so funny that even our driver who speaks no English laughs each time. As close as I can come using phonetic spelling, here it is: “Whyeeee, huhdah,huhdah,huhdah,huhdah,huhdah,huhdah – ok,ok,ok,bye,bye”. I would imagine my Mandarin teacher wouldn’t be too impressed, but it is somehow hilarious to see the reaction here!

On a serious note, today at the invitation of our China Harmony and Unity Director, Shaun BAO, we attended an event with “The International Famous Entrepreneurs & Philanthropists Union”. This was attended by leading scholars, government officials and business leaders, as well as students about to graduate and looking for jobs. I took pages of notes in total astonishment as I wrote at break-neck speed but I will only include a few quotes for you:

- From Mr. BAO, a leading government official, “Students shouldn’t look to government and government jobs for security – rather look to private enterprise!”

- From the leader of the Christian Business Men’s Committee in Beijing, “Coming here shows your loving heart. We bring moneys earned from foreign countries back to China and we bring back love from our neighbors too”.

- From Mr. Wu, “Enterprise is not just for business, but to build relationships and others; if you try to keep your treasure for your descendents, you are silly – spend money for eternity! & . “If you are given a cup of water, give a drum of water. If you were given a cup and give only a drop, stir your heart to give a drum of water!”

- From the President of Happiness Research Institute (Really!!): “Most employment enjoyment depends on joy in your heart…serving others makes you happy!”

We had the opportunity to listen to our Shaun BAO and hear him stir the audience with his story of family bitterness. His royal great grandfather who hated the English and French for the destruction of the Summer Palace; his grandfather who hated the “national army” for his exile; for his father who hated the communist government for sending him because of his royal heritage – to the country to be “re-educated”. Then after his family went to Australia and Shaun worked as a “house boy” in New Zealand, becoming very angry himself, he came to faith in Christ. What a story he shares about his 20 years in missions in Beijing after leaving successful business in Australia! His dream is reconciliation between people, nations and between man and God!

Each of the team shared for a few minutes as well and were received so well! An older gentleman came up to us before the program ended to say that he had never before heard words like ours and he couldn’t wait until the end to tell us. A prominent woman in banking, as well as others told the entire group how much they loved the words we spoke. Shaun received so much praise and we were surrounded with picture takers for quite some time at the end. The program went from 1pm – 6pm!

Dinner tonight was with Shaun and Sarah BAO as well as a visitor (who just found out about Shaun and this meeting today a few hours beforehand!), Todd Hendricks. Todd shared his story of great success and wealth in a major construction company – with an economy related bankruptcy last spring. Todd shares about being desperately committed to ministry and willingness to be totally committed to Christ!

Must get some rest now; such a day ahead tomorrow with church, a small group to train and a much larger group later on. Please lift us up in prayer! Sharon Sanchez was even asked to share in church about her missionary aunts who were hear in the 20’s!

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