Tuesday, September 4, 2012


We have had a busy beginning - Training the first night by Liz, Wendy and Pam, Training on Saturday, shopping at the Silk Market of course and Monday's Entrust beginning in today's post.  Read tomorrow about our training at the Mary Kay meeting and new sisters!  For now, I am excited to share a few photos from Monday...
Here we are taking a moment to seek the Help needed to begin; the Entrust staff and our leaders pray.

Liz Loeffler assists the leaders in identifying needs~

Eileen wins the KnitWit's shawl - she's an energetic young woman with a heart to serve!

Emma and Weiwei are 2 of our leaders each of whom are asked to share their stories.

Kanghua sheds tears sharing her story and heart to reach out - she is an example to us all! Later, I will compile the stories of each of the 15 leaders present, along with photos so you can know them better and pray for them.

Chinese food court for lunch!  Yum! A wonderful day of openness and beautiful teachable hearts.  Stay tuned!

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