Tuesday, December 6, 2011


 Here is our youngest winner of one of the hats from the KnitWits (Knitting a Witness for Christ!)!  So adorable!  Mels spoke to an audience of 50+ packed into a tiny narrow room - there was no way to get a photo of all with the narrow room with even closet space opened up for seats!

  I'm standing in the back, literally in a hallway where people pack in - practically blocking the bathroom.  They listened intently and loved learning about their personalities and gifts and how that impacted life and ministry!

The pastor's wife here with Mels, Fangfang and I.

I tried to find a way to show the size of these chairs :)... The "larger" chairs are no more than 8" or 9" in diameter but standard height - the smaller ones are the same in diameter but at most 12" off the floor!  They are "make a way, find a way" people, not out for comfort but hungry for truth!!


  1. Hi, Peggy! So exciting to see how God uses his people to love, teach and encourage! What a team you have! Wish I could be there. Please give my love to FangFang! I sure miss her!

  2. KnitWits are meeting tomorrow and I will be showing your blog updates to them. It is so wonderful and encouraging to read of just some of what God is doing thru you and the team!
    Prayers & hugs to y'all!!! :)
