Sunday, December 26, 2010


 While Sharon and I served the women in China, Global Partners in Hope and our guests served and taught too!  One evening, we divided into teams, chose locations and went off in search of some of Beijing's many homeless, migrants.

The leaders who went with us were impacted greatly - so many saying things like, "I didn't think about them as people with stories" and "Now I understand I need to reach out to them in Jesus Name!".
Pictured here is our team of Nate, Yolanda, Sarah and I with 3 or our 4 new friends at dinner.  The gentleman on the right has a son-in-law in seminary and is trying to support himself and send money to his family in the village.

They were reached for Christ by westerners in their village and wanted to be Christians because of the way believers treat them; now our team members are taking them to church and giving blankets to them.  This is a great admonition for us all!!

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